
  • Unlocking The Potential Of SAS In Your Company

    For many companies that already use SAS, they recognize that the platform represents a powerful tool for data analysis and business intelligence. However, we are constantly surprised by how many organizations do not fully exploit the potential of their application and, as a result, fail to take advantage of the significant benefits it can offer.…

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  • Have You Updated Your System to Viya 4?

    SAS Viya 4 is built on container and microservices technologies, using robust Kubernetes technology, resulting in a modern and highly scalable architecture. Check out the benefits of adopting Kubernetes in your organization:

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  • DEVOPs Applied to SAS

    The search for efficiency and innovation has led to a convergence between the analytical power of SAS and the agility of the DevOps treadmill. This smooth integration not only boosts software development but also improves data analysis capabilities, resulting in more reliable and robust solutions.

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  • ERP AND BI: Understand the Relationship

    ERP and BI systems are not just fads. They are fundamental tools for companies that want to manage business processes and use data to drive business success. Business Intelligence (BI) plays a crucial role in identifying business problems and opportunities, while ERP gathers, analyzes and shares information from different areas of a company, such as…

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  • Corporate Restructuring: Reasons to Invest in Consulting

    Companies that intend to grow in an increasingly competitive business environment may need to invest in their Corporate Restructuring to reduce costs and improve their efficiency and profitability, thus achieving a greater competitive advantage in the market.

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